Welcome to Kidsplay

At Kidsplay we foster an environment that is conducive to learning and wholistic development. With over forty years experience and a well established track record of successful alumni, we live the truth of our motto (“Let the foundation be properly laid”).

Contact Us to learn more about what’s in store for you and your young ones.

Co-curricular Activities & Services

Sports, Art & Craft, Music, Dance, Cafeteria.


Our kitchen serves freshly cooked, healthy meals that children love on a daily basis. Juice and ice cream are also available. Further details provided upon registration.


Swimming and Gymnastics


Children learn to express their creative side and have fun through various mediums.


For those students so gifted, Kidsplay has an active pan orchestra. There is also the Kidsplay Alumni Orchestra for past students of Kidsplay.


Children at Kidsplay learn simplified versions of dances from diverse ethnic backgrounds.

Kidsplay Kindergarten